Pharmacogenomics and Genomic Medicine Group


The PGMG lab focuses on the study of host genomics and their influence on therapeutics and disease susceptibility in African populations 

The following project are currently being undertaken at the lab

  1. Pharmacomicrobiomics of malaria HIV co-infection (EDCTP funded)
  2. Immunogenetics of HBV and HIV and viral suppression (support funding from UCC SGS funded)
  3. APOL1 and preeclampsia in West Africa (NIH-Collaboration)
  4. Natural products and HIV latency (IFS funded)
  5. Genomics of congenital heart defects in African populations
  6. Pharmacogenomics and Pharmacokinetics of DTG-based ART in young PLWH


About Us

The pharmacogenomics and genomic medicine group is a research group...

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